In the City of Rosemead, pet license fees and donations are important sources for funding essential animal services. Lost pets with proper license tags not only make it back home faster, but they are actively supporting local shelters by opening up valuable space and resources for the vulnerable animals that truly need it.
We are proud to call Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA Rescue) the current Safe&Happy Partner in the City of Rosemead. This means that 20% of every designer tag sale is donated to VIDA Rescue in an effort to provide additional funding for the community’s vulnerable animals and the staff that serves them. They are doing some pretty amazing things for local animals in need. Read on to learn more about this great organization!
By The Numbers
Animals sheltered
per year
per year
Volunteers hours
per year
Talkin' Shop
Here’s what’s been going on at VIDA Rescue.
What is something you are proud of as an organization?
We are proud to be able to find pets the best homes possible. We don't settle for mediocre
homes. We have the luxury to choose the best and are able to keep them until they’re adopted.
If they’re not adopted within 6 months we send them to a foster home.
What is something that makes your shelter unique?
The animals at our shelter get a lot of playtime and walks everyday. We have a great staff and set of volunteers that help with this and love to interact directly with the animals. Our cats are free to roam in the cattery and they seem very happy and calm. It’s a very quiet environment for them. We always encourage socialization of our animals.
What is a program that you run that is really important for people to know about?
VIDA sponsors rescue groups down in Mexico and Guatemala for spay and neuter campaigns in very poor communities. We offer spay and neuter education to everyone we service here in Southern California as well. Including people from our community in La Puente, Rosemead and Rowland Heights.
Can you share a story of a specific pet you helped recently?
We got a very malnourished and super matted poodle named Romeo. Matting not only looks bad, but also feels terrible on the pet’s skin. It is uncomfortable for them and we are so happy we were able to help this guy out. He recovered and became the sweetest and happiest little guy. We all fell in love with him while he was here. He has since been adopted into a loving forever home.

Most of our stories have happy endings. Caroline, a St. Bernard, also came to us very malnourished from the City of Rosemead as a stray. It looked like she was being used forbreeding. We could see every rib on her. While here, she was able to gain weight after 3 months and was then adopted. Her leaving was an emotional one as she grew on a lot of our Staff. Her new owner says she’s settled right in. “Caroline is settling in like a champ. She is the sweetest and is getting all the love.”

How many donors do you have?
We have about five consistent donors. One of them helps us pay our high vet bills at the end of the year.
What is something you are raising funds for today specifically?
We are usually raising funds for animals that need further care, or new ways to improve the shelter. One
item we are in need of is more fake grass in the play area. We will soon be attempting to raise money for
Do you have any specific advice for pet owners that you’d like to share?
Exercise is important for your pet. They will be happier, healthier and have better behavior. Many people
have high energy dogs and don’t realize a simple walk can help tire them out. It not only helps them
exercise, but taking in new smells also is enriching for them and is busy work that makes them tired.
What is the biggest obstacle(s) your organization faces while caring for
Some of the biggest obstacles we get is when we get in a dog that shows aggression when they
first arrive. Most animals that display this behavior are NOT aggressive, but actually just momentarily
scared. Arriving at the rescue can be very stressful and scary for the animals. With
these pets we have to take extra time, care and effort to help them become adoptable. It can sometimes
take weeks for an animal to really come out of their shell and show how completely friendly and sweet they
In your words, why are pet licenses important?
Pet licensing is important because it shows proof of ownership of your pet and helps you get
your pet back faster if they’re lost or found injured. It also helps support animal resources in the
How do monetary donations and licensing fees help out around your
They help us pay for vet bills for our sick and injured dogs. It also helps us pay for food, pet
supplies and other resources that we need. During kitten season we rely on our donations to
buy kitten formula and kitten dry and wet food.
How can people help or volunteer?
People can help out at our rescue by calling the number on our website or filling out a volunteer
form. We love volunteers and are currently looking for more during weekdays.
If someone wants to donate pet supplies, what are the items that are needed
With the cold season coming up we could always use blankets and towels. Another donated item that we love
is dry cat food. We always get a ton of dog donations, but not too many cat donations.
What does the day of a shelter worker/volunteer normally look like?
A day at the shelter is always busy for our staff and volunteers. Our staff works hard keeping everything
clean. Looking over animals with needs and making sure they are all fed and taken care of properly. We do
our adoptions all on site and are also always working online answering questions through our website,
email and social media. Our wonderful volunteers help us out by walking dogs, bathing, and cleaning food
bowls. We have a small staff that do a variety of things. We are always looking for volunteers to help
them out.
What is an easy way for community members to help support your
An easy way people in our community can help out is by donating. We don’t just mean donating
money, but also resources and time. Even sharing our animals with family and friends can help
For more information about Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA Rescue), visit